CTS: Craftsmen Training Scheme 
STRIVE: Under this scheme 19 No. of Institute are selected to update the infrastructure of the institute for betterment of the training.
HPKVN: This scheme is completely Govt. sponsored which is directly provided to the people of the State on free of cost to improve their technical skill.
PMKVY: This scheme is also similar as the HPKVN.
PM VISHVKARMA: This Institute had running MES (Modular Employable Scheme) under SDI (Skill Development Initiative) under the guidance of Regional Directorate of Apprenticeship Training, Faridabad since 2008 in different Sectors like: 1. Automobile 2. Electrical 3. Electronics 4. Fabrication 5. Garment Making 6. Information & Communication Technology 7. Production & Manufacturing 8. Toy Making. 9. Paint 10.Construction 11. Wood Work 12. Agriculture 13.Food Processing & Preservation 14. Industrial Electrical 15. Process Instrumentation. There are more than 150 Modules running under this scheme on part time / weekend basis